
13. The New Face of God, Pt 1

Through my previous chapters, certain truths have been established. These truths must be beheld by each person so as to continue in the unfolding story that God has already written for our journey back into him. We must walk this heavenly blueprint out. Jesus of Nazareth was the firstborn son of God back in the first century, and this Jesus was really the Father "housed" in a human body. Through this visitation to our earth realm, Father-God, through his own begotten son (spirit begotten), stood face to face with his creation. The invisible had come into the visible. The Son of Man and the Son of God (Jesus in the Adamic humility and as the Christ) walked this realm in the same body (John 10:30, 14:11) for the first time. But just living would not multiply this new race, this 2nd Adam, for it was not the product of flesh and blood, and, therefore, could not be reproduced by natural means. How, then, would this firstborn reproduce after his own kind?

It is important at this time to bring the reader’s attention to the fact that this all came about because of the love that the Creator first had for us. His desire was to expand Himself in a vast family that could communicate and cohabitate with him. When seen from the higher perspective of spirit, the whole story unfolds chapter by chapter as the pages of history turn in an undeniable progression and, at the same time, “re-cycling” of experiences in mankind until each cycle is complete. Just as the universe is circular, so are learning cycles, and the biggest are our individual stories, blossoming like beautiful flowers in the most breath-taking scenario that is possible, yet impossible for the human mind to understand without being arrested.

We see it in the natural; all around us are circles or cycles of happenings, like the seasons. These scenes are manifesting visions of what exists in a greater mind, being projected into our understanding and then projected again out of our minds into our world. All things around us are symbols, and were explained as such by Jesus, himself, the Master of parables. To know the truth as just facts is to know a story with death. But this story is a love story, and these truths are the heartbeat of a loving creator who IS truth. Jesus Christ was the walking, talking Logos of God, the Word made flesh (John 1:14). Sending himself into this realm to experience the death (hell) and suffering we live in was part of the love story. Enduring extreme mental anguish in a victorious battle with the powerful god of the human mind was another part. Being hated, being isolated and misunderstood was also part of the love story. But setting the stage for his own murder and setting his face like a flint (Isa 50:7) as he moved steadfastly toward that goal of death at the "Place of the Skull", Golgotha, showed the depth of his passion for us. What greater love could there be?!!

Therefore, the truths being unveiled here--being openly manifest, are not from a sci-fi perspective. New concepts can bring us fear or confusion, but love can lift us out of that dark corner and show us that we have nothing to fear. He knows our comfort zone. He knows this is our home, where we live. We have families and friends, jobs and hobbies and hopes. He knows where our hearts are and--not only understands--but was the author of the story. Actually, because we care about anything, is proof that He does. Whatever goodness we show is an affirmation that it flows from God first. God is first--and foremost, our Father. And He is our only Father. Jesus affirmed that in Matthew 23:9. This writing is a story of our Father’s desire to re-enter our life (meaning he was there before), to abide with us, and to enhance our life with and among all the other things and people we have loved and will continue to love.

With that said, there is the issue of how God will reproduce after his own kind, since human “help” is not possible. Jesus was 100% father walking in a flesh body, and there was no other of his species. Yet this new earth-heaven experience of the Adamic race and God had to be consummated, and it was coming to a  grand finale at Calvary. Oh, Jesus had ended the reign of Adamic humanity--within himself--over 3 years earlier in his wilderness defeat of the beast mind, complete with beast. Satan was thrown down from his throne of power over the human nature represented in Jesus, and rendered powerless. But the time and place of the fatal blow was still ahead. That subdued human nature had to remain in this spirit-led existence of the 2nd Adam for a period of time.

Jesus had to openly manifest his anointing as the Christ, walking out his earthly ministry with demonstrations of the love and nearness of God. Even as the time approached for the crucifixion, in Gethsemane, he stood firm on his mission (Heb 12:2). The garden anguish was not a temptation, but a passionate prayer out of submissive obedience. Since he was approaching physical death, he was affirming with the Father that he was absolutely on track. Jesus was bearing the weight of the sin of the world, and for this cause he “sweat blood”. This extreme human grief contained no desire (from a serpent) to escape his fate. Jesus had made at least two statements showing prior to this that he had already defeated satan. “... for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold on me.” (John 14:30, NIV) ".... In the world you have affliction. But keep up your courage: I have won the victory over the world." (John 16:33, Weymouth NT)

Because of his death, the 1st man, Adam--a living soul, was overtaken and upgraded (inwardly renovated) to the 2nd man, Jesus--a living spirit. The dominance and power of divine life swallowed up Adam’s mind set (death) and replaced it with the mind of the Christ. A more specific, intricate (but still limited) chain of events is to be here unfolded. Words fail to express the magnitude of this vision, through which only Holy Spirit enlightenment can offer a glimpse. The reaction that God’s death had on the spirit/soul mechanisms in the invisible realms was felt explosively in the cosmos. The earthquakes and thundering in the natural at that moment were mere manifestations of the spiritual fireworks. Inner space was also affected, for in the sub-atomic universe a new kingdom (previously only hidden) had been empowered.

Spirit and soul are alive and joined, but not always united. Since the "fall", the soul (Eve) has done the leading. Recapping the definition of soul, it is uniquely who we are, our personality, mind, emotions, memories, and is where our will is rooted. No longer accessible to the Tree of Life (God), our soul either moves to the dictates of the spirit of the world or just does her own thing. But either way, in this state our spirit is powerless and has become a silent attachment.

A note:  Human males are not Adam and human females are not Eve.  Adam is both genders of mankind, male and female (Gen 1:27), and together they accentuate the divine nature. Eve is the soul realm, the seat of Adam's life force. Eve brought separation between Adam and the Tree of Life. This separation was God’s hope for them to experience humiliation and defeat, followed by reconciliation, restoration, and resurrection into divine unity. This is true SALVATION. It is a process that begins in our spirt when we are awakened by the Holy Spirit to receive our reconciliated status. Claiming Jesus as our Savior doesn't change us, even though it is a virtuous statement. Father initiates the time of our "rebirth" (John 6:44). Then, the spirit-to-soul workings begin, for outward happenings alone will not change us beyond the surface. The soul nature is what is being corralled, for this is where our will dwells, and so does a devil.

Jesus changed our fate of living in death when he took Adam to the cross to die. There, hanging on a tree, the human nature switched kingdoms. A defiant soul realm--a wild stallion nature--up to that point in time, was secretly and totally broken in the body of Jesus Christ. This submission put the soul back where she was supposed to be: subject to the spirit, her “husband”. The harlot soul had been reconciled. And the spirit of man--one with God, would never again be deceived. The order of things was restored in the body of the Son of God as his soul and spirit were married. He then cried out “it is finished” and died.

He had conquered the prince of the power of the air in himself, and thus did it for all mankind. He impregnated the whole soul realm with his spiritual life, dismissing the flaming sword that blocked entry back into Eden (a realm). Like an invisible implosion at light speed, projected and expressed from the mind of God, all networks of the darkened realm of men’s minds--on the earth, under the earth, or in the sea--were charged and enabled for divine habitation. The “nursery” was made ready.

The power of that happening was evident, according to the Gospels, and not just because of the darkness and earthquakes. The temple veil was ripped by an invisible force. Those who "slept" were quickened even in their tombs as unseen realms were awakened with resurrection power. Deceased people of God walked around the city (Matt 27:52). But even for those who had slept, the marriage of soul and spirit would still have to be expressed. And this would happen for them, and everyone else, because of the happening on the day of Pentecost. Jesus completed his mission of sacrifice, being translated back into the spirit realm and giving himself as the Holy Spirit, or Comforter. This divine entity is the Father/Son expression unfolded by the resurrection and ascension to abide with the spirit of man. Everyone, at some time, will experience an awakening to rise above our disrupted realm of death, but it will not come from without, for God dwells within.

The divine betrothal of the the soul realm to the spirit realm at Calvary has enabled all persons--past, present and future, to contain a replica of the life of Jesus within their spirit. This is our permanent access to the Tree of Life. A marriage was consummated that day and opened the door for a reconciliation between God and all men. It was a once-and-for-all sacrifice and gift. As the Holy Spirit quickens our spirit, his work begins in our soul to restore order.

A marriage awaits all of us, and a divine birth. Our Lord filled the former, weakened spirit of man with the capacity to birth a baby (holy life) in their spirit, so that at an appointed time--each man in his own order, the Christ--just like Jesus, could be quickened and formed in them. The birth chamber is there now, in each person, because of what was accomplished on the cross. It is just a matter of the appointed time for the regeneration. Because of this miracle, man could  again dwell with God, but in this realm--in a sanctified body. A new creation was began, with all men having the potential to return to God, but while in a body (to be discussed later). It was the restoration of the Adamic creation into the new and improved version, a true Godman.

to be continued......