
3. This Fairy Tale Doesn't Fly

Excuse me while I turn the light on. It's getting late, it looks dark outside, so a bedtime story would be appropriate. But I prefer a true story, since I am no longer a child. And since I am awakening, I prefer a story that will enliven me, and cause the shackles of my darkened understanding (from living in this dark realm) to fall to the ground. Only the truth will make us free.

This story is about the grief that another story--of darkness (disguising as light) has caused myriads of people, because of their belief in it and because of their fear of it. And because it hasn’t happened. There is anticipation, anxiety and frustration because of the hope in its fairy tale ending. The hope of being rescued, the hope of escape. Not a bad thought, of course, but the source of our hope must be trustworthy.

Before continuing, a point is noteworthy: We must always remember that revelation comes in signs and symbols, and is in need of interpretation--Holy Spirit style. Literal interpretation drops the insight from the heavenlies to the earthy, where it becomes a dust bomb. With that said, let's go back to the early 1800's, where a lass in Scotland, Margaret MacDonald, had a revelation of the Lord's "return". Her revelation--with whatever insight or lack, thereof, that it had--was possessed and modified by zealous men who hoped to add some kick to the current concepts: scare tactics to get more to the altar. It continued on as a theory that showed up in the Scofield Bible's notes in the early 1900's, and evolved into the rapture (of the saints).

It's the "fly-away" hope for those who fear tribulation and/or persecution. Belief in the rapture is like a headlock on our spiritual understanding. It blocks our view of our creator. Its' power is in the escape. It is taught as the great hope of Christians to flee this world so great tribulation doesn’t break loose on them. But “..we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God” (Acts 14:22). True persecution increases the Lord’s presence. It is a powerful reality to behold, for those who haven't. No need to run or be afraid. An empowered follower is the only one who can stop the advancement of evil. This should be our concern, rather than building bigger buildings.

Concerning Christ's return. He did leave as a man, and promised to send the Comforter (Jesus' life in Divine Spirit form). And He stated He would be with us always, because He was--in the new form: the Holy Spirt--given on Pentecost, when He returned. Truthfully, this is how he "comes" to us. And his comings are continual; not just one or two. Actually, these comings are times of spiritual growth for us--when we become aware of his presence--even though he is with us 24/7. No, God is not ascending and descending from the earth to the natural heavenlies like a shooting star in a ping-pong game. This realm was created for Him to fellowship with/in us, uniting heaven and earth.

Concerning this false teaching, we have seen scriptures taken out of context, seen scriptures become legalistic doctrines when they don't witness themselves elsewhere in the Bible (in revelation content). We have seen scriptures of Paul twisted and abused. Admonitions he gave were for that present reality, and still speak spiritually for our present reality. And if he was speaking of a rapture, he was a false prophet--because it didn’t happen, hasn’t happened and will never happen! Carnal interpretations of scripture continue to mislead those in need of a true shepherd. The rapture story is extreme and almost magical, like a fairy tale. But it is also weak and shallow, leaving the majority without the love of God. The true story and the true ending is much better.

Didn't Daniel live after being thrown into the lion's den? How about Paul in his shipwrecks, imprisonments and stonings? Walking through trials--not escaping them--is scriptural, and pertinent to us now. We share the same scriptures that the apostles had. These words have spiritual significance that mean nothing when taken out of context. 1 Thes 4:15-17 speaks of a gathering of believers unto the Lord. Paul used the term "we", which included him. Clouds were mentioned. Could it be that the high spiritual plane he stood in caused him to speak of secrets hidden from the natural mind? Were the clouds literal clouds? Is Jesus hidden in a cloud over my house? Clouds throughout the Bible have a symbolism, so often pointing to people and/or the presence of God.

Only our darkened understanding could change our loving creator into one who is biased and cruel. After much prayer, I came to see the rapture for the DOCTRINE it was. A giant web of deception has been woven concerning signs, symbols, and revelation; the weaver is the enemy of God:  the carnal mind. Man-lead, organized Christian religious systems offer little truth because the leaders are stagnant, not seeking God's direction daily. They remain deaf & blind to what God is really doing, and, we know where blind leaders take us.

The reality of my story is of the beautiful Christ mind, transforming us as we are "caught up" out of our dusty minds, right here and now. This is a true story, and a story full of hope, where fear--not people-- has to flee (fly away).