Note: Things spoken of here were not taught in organized gatherings, for they had not been seen. But now is the time for the unveiling of truth, and it is with humility and honor that I share.
(I have updated this chapter over the years as the moves of God unfolded. His purpose is only revealed in stages, but they continue to expand, and those he has given the hearing ear to will be able to truly HEAR what the spirit is saying. God's purposes are never dormant and we must get on board to where He is NOW. If we are waiting for something, we have missed it! 11-26-19)
Jesus was crucified, resurrected, and then ascended to return as the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. The power of his inward restoration before he died supernaturally laid the groundwork, cleared the path, and opened the door for all to return to their first estate in God. God is the one who allowed our fall from understanding, for it was his plan. His plan overshadows our lives, and he oversees all of the affairs of men. This sovereignty makes him responsible for our fate, and our approach to him. Religion is not his vehicle of access, but birthing himself in us is. It started with his firstborn, who successfully reconciled us back to the door of heaven.
This reconciliation is a spiritual reality for all men to receive at the appointed time. The ultimate intention of our Father is for all to be conformed to the likeness of his son: body, soul, and spirit. Total salvation. Since it happens from the inside out, our thinking has to be turned around. The truth of spirit is an opposite perspective, just like the “Alice in the Looking Glass” world. Salvation starts from the inside (the invisible realms) and works outward to this realm, and the miracle at Calvary opened the door for all men to partake of a new birth. That new birth happens from access to the Spirit of God--Christ in us, causing us to grow and mature. Experiencing spiritual maturity is a resurrection. This happening has nothing to do with whether we are living in this realm or have passed on to the grave, because it has an order. (I Corin 15:23) Christ the firstfruits will be those who experience resurrection before the bulk of creation. They are the early offering of the new creation seed showing itself before the larger harvest to come.
Jesus was the firstborn and eldest of many younger brothers, stated here from the Weymouth Bible: “For those whom He has known beforehand He has also pre-destined to bear the likeness of His Son, that He might be the Eldest in a vast family of brothers.”--Romans 8:29. These younger brothers were called according to each generation’s assignment in God’s unfolding plan. All called to this ministry have long since been awakened to it, for many years of processing follow. A spiritual status--assigned before birth--is the subject matter. Let us be mature in understanding spiritual status, for it is not natural-gender specific.
Son assignment through the body of Christ became the ruling structure woven into God’s plan of restoration. Paul was the “sonship” apostle, seeing new truths about God’s order, and was himself a son. Christ in him was so great that he appeared “as Christ” to those whom he was among. He ministered Jesus Christ as Paul. Yet he never attained to the full salvation in this realm that he saw and longed for (Romans 8:23). This speaks loudly that being called to receive higher spiritual insights doesn’t take us personally past the current stage of God's progression. We also don’t usually understand the exact way that God will deliver, for in the revelations we are given we do not hold the reigns to make them work.
Yes, Paul did see many high things. He talked of “finishing the race”, and “pressing toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus”. (2 Tim 4:7, Acts 20:24, Phil 3:14) While it many have sounded like he was working for his salvation, that wasn’t the case. Salvation is God’s conciliation to us and is a finished work. We were reconciled to God at Calvary, and when each of us awakens to that gift, the renovation of our souls (by the Holy Spirit) begins. This is the true saving power of God, and we can do nothing to keep it from happening. High spiritual callings--though unseen by the world--concern secret administrative happenings in God’s government; the human thus called must be processed to fill the mold of responsibility. Father will not share his authority with carnal or baby Christians. Those who rule and reign with him will also suffer with him and “... we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.” (2 Tim 2:12, 2 Thes1:5, Acts 14:22)
A maturing member of the body of Christ is manifesting the one who married "us", for inside each of us is a bride (our soul, betrothed to Jesus). This beautiful reality has continued to unfold as servants walk out their place in Father’s renovative work as he exposes his invisible kingdom to this realm. A finished structure is already built in the spirit, the foundation of which is apostles and prophets (past and present), with Christ Jesus as the chief cornerstone. (Eph 2:19-20) The 20th century expressed a restoration of Pentecost and an awareness of God’s other sons, which fueled a very powerful “sons of God” movement accentuating God’s plan for the salvation of all men and the deliverance of all creation. Like all movements, however, the freshness became mixed with fleshly interpretations, and most of what is left today is dogma.
While the revelations correctly pointed to restoration, only the male spiritual expression of the true Church (all the elect of God) was represented. All creation will partake of this wonderful gift, and there is an order for the power to be unleashed in the unfolding. The female side of the church--“daughters” (residents of the Passover realm) must partake of partnership with their brothers in this administration of truth. This female expression of the body of Christ is a huge multitude who love Jesus. They have always been overtaken by the "soul" leading, and had not yet been able to give place to the authority of the Spirit vs. the false authority of the religious system. (This hasn't been their fault. Again, it is about the order of things.)
Daughters--for the most part--had not seen God’s passionate purpose with spiritual eyes. Many of the Church (a people, not denominations or buildings) have become deceived and disillusioned in awaiting his "return". But He is here, wooing and winning each member, individually. The purpose of the male (executive) side of the body of Christ was for a sturdy spiritual establishment of law and order, setting the stage for spiritual freedom in the Church. They would then enable quickening within the daughters to receive the grand truth: Christ has returned within them.
The spiritual significance of a wedding party is hidden in the body of Christ, where a bride and groom reside. Jesus was THE spiritual Bridegroom, having successfully married the spirit realm to the soul realm (the Bride), first in himself. And the true body of Christ has always been a male and female “company”. Just like Adam (a species) and Eve (the soul of the species), Eve was hidden inside Adam before she was “revealed" to his understanding.
The Church--His Body, is the Divine wedding party--a ministry of the Kingdom of God expressed through sons and daughters. Each side speaks of an unfolding of the nature of God. And when we take a higher look, the word “bridegroom” is a complimentary expression of male and female. Daughters will now be open to higher truths as a fruit of the extreme trials and processings that the sons have endured. Then, a chosen son (many are called, but few are chosen) would be enabled to awaken a chosen daughter. They represent a united spiritual ministry of soul and spirit. This had to be expressed in a daughter (soul) and a son (spirit) in this realm, bearing witness of the divine marriage in the invisible that occurred inside Jesus just before he expired. Not only did he unite within himself his soul and spirit, but the whole soul and spirit realms. But it had never been manifested in the visible before. In Father’s timing, it became time for this in our realm.
As the first witnesses, and now stepping out from behind the veil from the Holy of Holies, they have set a precedence for the rest of the body of Christ and the world to also bear witness of the united soul/spirt realm. Here is the power of this mechanism: as in a natural marriage, a groom who has not consummated his marriage is impotent and powerless to produce life. However, after uniting with his bride, “they” can create new life; thus the Bride of Christ (Jesus being fully expressed in our soul). This new life of full redemption is and will be showing forth for all mankind to receive; it is that high ministry of love that our Lord and Savior had when he walked this earth. The allegorical witnesses (just two servants of Christ Jesus) resonate the proof of the complete work done at Calvary. This climactic happening has broken down spiritual barriers between daughters and sons (Passover and Pentecost), even though most are just awakening to this reality. Because of the two witnesses appearing in the Holy of Holies, all inhabitants of the world have become susceptible to a new spiritual vibration. However it is unfolding now, a powerful spiritual ministry has been enabled, and Father is setting all thus enabled loose on creation to set it free. Not with outward recognition, however, for the Kingdom comes without observation--to the natural eye. The workings come from within.
These witnesses and all who follow them are ascending (being caught up) and experiencing a new divine illumination (inwardly). This is their sword to shatter walls of ignorance and break chains of darkened understanding; it comes in word, deed and anointed spiritual energy from their very presence. As awesome as this reality is, they are un-presumptuous, doing and speaking only what Father shows them. In their turn, all men will receive of this redemptive process that begins in the soul, cleaning up the house for immortality. Eventually, the salvation extends to our outer house. The direction of this redemption is not from body to soul to spirit, but from spirit (where Jesus began) to soul, and--finally--out to the body.
Paul saw this greater work that would be done in future generations that he couldn’t attain to, but he knew the principal. Jesus said “In most solemn truth I tell you that he who trusts in me--the things which I do he shall do also; and greater things than these he shall do, because I am going to the Father.” (Weymouth, John 14:12) Jesus, the firstborn son, started the mission and the rest of his body must finish it. The greater works isn’t just more miracles, more raising the dead, etc., as wonderful as those things are, for a person being raised from the dead (Like Lazarus) is going to die again! Jesus fulfilled completely (with his death) the Mosaic covenant, so--therefore, could not demonstrate the new covenant. But his body of believers can, and will--in their order. They will demonstrate full salvation and redemption that includes a physical phenomenon which has always been part of God's plan.
Even though Truth marches on, Christianity has become a religion; it is a man-led and man-dominated system. God doesn't have a daily active voice. Democracy (voting, etc.) or dictatorships have taken over the flock. Either way, it is not spirit led. But the purpose of this new order is to deliver creation by "led" mature children of God, a true appearing of Christ. The Holy Spirit workings within expose Him, and those who expose Him expose the reality that He is in all men! This is an apocalypse. The Revelation of Jesus Christ shines forth, as the kingdom of God expands outward from inner victories. These victories minister to and aid all others in their own conquering of death and darkness. Right now, life is being spoken into darkness with authoritative, creative words in spiritual boldness, increasing the kingdom of God in this realm.
Through spiritual prayers and intercessions before the throne (a spiritual ascension), through groanings and travail within themselves for the souls of the oppressed, God's servants are setting captives free to walk out salvation. Intercessions put them in another person’s pain to pray accordingly for the deliverance needed. This is the master version of prayer and intercession that has always represented God’s sovereign control. Words of freedom and releasings of bondages are spoken. They speak to situations--words of peace, restoration, and healing--and to people of every rank. The prayers and creative words of life are expressed through these ministers by the Holy Spirit, and no word will return void. (Isaiah 55:11) All is done as Father shows them (John 5:19), for all are disclosures of His divinely constructed plans.
Having the keys to death and hell, they have authority over the same, defusing spiritual wickedness and bringing divine light to the pit of the soul realm. Interceding and making supplications, they touch persons in the hell of their situations and lift them toward hope. Persons being delivered may not be aware that God instigated that mission, but sooner or later, they will know, for the high children of God are “being about their father’s business”--actually, being about their Father (to touch his mind and heart), speaking more and more for him (as him). Everyday people, but they come and go from heaven to hell and back to heaven, taking control, embracing hearts in a divine love ministry. They are--like Jesus and as Jesus, priests ministering before the throne of God, touching mankind with one hand and Father with the other. This ministry will continue until there is not one person left in darkness (hell)!
Christ's body is a corporate yet individual expression of God’s firstborn. It is not heresy to call someone--other than Jesus--Christ. This was God’s plan, not ours. We are to know no man after the flesh, even Jesus, because we will see him no more as he was. Two translations of this admonition from 2 Corin 5:16 follow:
“So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer” NIV
“Therefore for the future we know no one simply as a man. Even if we have known Christ as a man, yet now we do so no longer” Weymouth
The Kingdom of God comes without observation (to the natural eye), for if we are looking for it as such, we will miss it. (Luke 17:20) Not that it can't be seen--but not by those denying it. “The kingdom of God is within you” spoke Jesus to the hateful religious establishment of his day. (Luke 17:21) Yet it was also in them--in their own invisible kingdom of spirit, some day to be revealed to them. This kingdom is vibrantly alive today and showing itself more and more, even though most are not aware. It is not "observed". Religion has blocked the view from the unspiritual mind. God's kingdom is ever increasing in its reign of power, causing changes to occur that make headlines. God may not get the credit, of course, but he is behind it all. Individual lives are being turned around, circumstances are arising out of the dirt, light is coming into the darkness--and nothing will stop that light.That same light will shine brighter and brighter as His habitation in the world is unveiled to a greater degree as the Christ ministers--inwardly lead by Jesus--bring about an outward change from inward happenings. God’s sovereign control will become evident.
Jesus' magnificent purpose of setting creation free is a concept not spoken of in the pulpits. Sadly, God's own people have a distorted message of living, dying, going to heaven, feasting, singing and playing harps for all eternity. How boring! We are intelligent creatures with purpose because our creator has intelligence with purpose. Our lives are yet to be revealed as they really are. God’s plans are to dwell with us in this realm. For that destination we all will need a better body style, and Jesus built the bridge we are to cross to receive it!
Using Romans 8:22-23, from Young’s: “For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.” Full salvation is for the spirit, soul and body, and in that order. There will come a time when the workings of the Holy Spirit will reach 100%. This is our personal (according to Father, not men), complete soul restoration. We’ve been taught about our spiritual body, and Paul talked about his “spiritual house”, but he wasn’t talking about having to die to get it.
Jesus exhibited in the days following his resurrection, a new body “style”. It was incorruptible and immortal, because he touched the visible and the invisible at the same time. He brought the invisible to our world and put a man’s face on it. But he had to die and let his Body be the ushers of this grand truth. Without his death, the perfect soul/spirit marriage availed by him would have been for nothing. He had to become a seed--in the spirit realm, enlivening the soul realm for all men to re-enter heaven, and never taste of death again. All men have Holy Spirit access to bring them back into Eden--the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. The body that Jesus displayed before he ascended was the first viewing of the 2nd man, Adam, reconciled to God and fully saved. While he looked human, his body was a superior piece of work. And this is our fate.
Hard to believe, isn’t it? Sounds like a fairy tale or ravings of a heretic (or lunatic). But I didn’t write the book. “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,” (KJB); “Let me tell you a secret. Not all of us will die, but all of us will be changed-” (ISV), 1 Corin 15:51. What a demonstration that would be! Being changed and not dying--not going to the grave. God so loved the world that he sent his Son, and passed a legacy on for his chosen followers to complete: greater works. Though they already have an allotment of power and authority like Jesus did--and it increases outwardly as the revelation of Jesus increases in them inwardly, they are ushering in the third stage of salvation. It is another "unfolding" of God's purpose, another chapter in God's beautiful story of redemption and restoration. An incorruptible body to go with an incorruptible soul and spirit!
This happening would shine forth the proof of the fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles, one of the three main feasts that Israel had. (Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles) Tabernacles speaks of God dwelling with man. A tabernacle is a dwelling place (our house). Jesus did give himself as the Passover lamb, fulfilling that feast; he then gave himself as the Holy Spirit during the Pentecost feast. He came to dwell with us, currently in corruptible bodies, but eventually we will need to acknowledge our spirit body (fused with the natural) to embrace eternity. Contrary to religious teachings, we don’t get a new body just because we die. If we did, we would be seeing our departed relatives, for this is heaven or hell, according to our understanding of where we really are! Yes, it all happens here. And indeed, Tabernacles was fulfilled--for it isn't a place, but a reality in God--but each will have to embrace it in their own space, and in their own understanding through spiritual discernment. (I believe there will be an "adjustment" of our view of this world that will secretly infect us more and more as we become more the spiritual soul men we were destined to be. It will be a naturally spiritual happening.)
And there’s more. Re-using a scripture from above with its next line adds a higher perspective: 1 Corin 15:51-52 (used and abused by those believing in a rapture) “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” (KJB) Paul was talking in this chapter about the power of the resurrection and how our bodies would be changed from corruptible to incorruptible. Then, he talks of a mystery (something hidden). No one had seen it before. God was doing a new thing. This new thing was unveiled here for spiritual eyes, and the sounding of it was represented by a trumpet. When we hear the trumpet, the message is for us.
Also in the above scripture, two phrases need clarification. “in a moment” isn’t about time, but the place of occurrence. The original language for moment is “a wink, atomos, or an atom”. A wink is such a minute period of time and the emphasis is on the smallness. In the most diminutive universe we have atoms. We will be changed in our ATOMS. Of course, that is exactly where the change will work itself into when the soul has been renovated to hold divine life! Our bodies are literal temples and our atoms will be transformed, just like our souls.
The other phrase is: “in the twinkling of an eye”. A better translation would be in the “hurling” of an eye, or the quick movement of the eye. Again, the revelation being unfolded isn’t about a time period, but an occurrence. When we are watching something or thinking on something with eyes open, suddenly something distracts us--a light or motion of some kind catches our attention to the side of us, and we suddenly move our eyes to that direction. In other words, we are focused on one thing and suddenly turned to focus on a new thing. Paul was saying (to paraphrase): “We won’t all die, because our bodies will be changed and we won’t see it coming. We won’t understand it until it happens!”
The power of this natural, physical redemption breaking forth has been building in the invisible, like an upside-down pyramid. All of the precious lives of saints since Jesus have been adding strength to it from their lives and attainments in the spirit. Any of them who have passed from this realm are still connected to the present Christ expression, and they dwell among us undetected, for their old identities have been incorporated into their current status.. This happening is because the spirit/soul realm is surging more and more toward the visible field of mankind, to purge and overtake it. All who “sleep" will be partakers in their order. The ultimate unveiling of a perfect human/spirit body has been reserved for the Father’s time, where a gigantic bumper-crop harvest is waiting to be reaped.
Living, visible en-Christed ones are a demonstration of God’s love for us. These men and women are experiencing atomic changes inwardly, and affecting the rest of creation to experience this reality also. At some point, our current corruptible bodies will display incorruptibility. These things are hidden, awaiting God’s time. Jesus didn’t look superhuman before he ascended and HE is our pattern. Meekness and humility were his credentials, and his ministers bear witness to that same kind of beauty. But we WILL all inherit a new version of our current human body, and it will happen with an ascending of our understanding. Since a “Godman” will be our new status (human and divine), there will be no more deterioration of any kind. No more death or corruption. Divine life is the surging, pulsating source, and God’s glorious inward light will indeed be expressed as we walk out a new naturally spiritual and spiritually natural life. We will shine forth as such..
To approach the extreme differences between what is taught in fundamental Christianity and what God is really saying and doing, is to put on new ears and eyes. We must remove our earthly shoes, for we are standing on Holy ground. We must bow our heads and leave all carnal and religious concepts behind as we approach a God so high that my words cannot describe him. The Most High, whose ways are beyond finding out. God’s secrets are hidden from carnal men, and can only be discerned by the Spirit.
I have been speaking of a new way of living between the Creator and his human family. It started happening 2000 years ago, is still happening and will continue to happen. Our God, the Father of Jesus Christ, dwells in men now. We may not like the fact that they don’t look like the many pictures of Jesus we have seen all of our lives in numerous institutions. But we will never see that Jesus in that way again.* God doesn’t dwell in buildings made with hands anymore, and he doesn’t dwell in religion. All the soul control in mankind is falling away. The whore who dwells in Babylon (organized religion) is going down, even as I write. Religion is losing her hold of men’s minds. Satan has been defeated and this “secret” is being exposed. A withered little serpent is the voice inside the dragon costume. Religion has been dealt a death blow that it will never recuperate from.
There are no more outward rules for spiritual abiding, only the inward ones. This is God’s plan and we have not been slighted by it. One Son of God as a man cannot serve billions. This is why he sent Himself to be and do and die. He created a divine seed to sow and reap a crop. That crop of Divine offspring--the Children of God, ARE restoring creation, flowing in the Divine Will of the Creator. This is causing redemption to come to everyone and everything until the whole kingdom can be delivered back to the Father, with peace reigning. This happening comes WITHIN first, embracing the Sovereignty of God that all is under His control! More and more the outer kingdoms will change as the inner Kingdom takes hold. Our thoughts and motivations change, and these changes affect our homes, our workplaces, etc., as the expression gets bigger and bigger, overtaking all carnal "plans". All is happening in secret as God's will overtakes the thoughts and intents of each person. It will not always be known and understood that the Kingdom of God is causing the stirring, but in time the discernment will come. All will dwell with God, for He is already with them, and in them. God will be all in all. (1 Corin 15:24-28).