Here in the country I love, the U.S.A., churches abound, but the corruption and apostasy that exists in them causes my blood to boil. Detested heresies stand in place of God’s beautiful anointing (Christ). These heresies resound in denominational structures and stand blatantly in the pulpits, embedded in the hearts of deceived leaders who broadcast their soulish understanding of living for Christ. But don’t take my word for it. God says He hates it, as I am about to establish!
Freedom of religion has shined her light on our shores, surely, and with that freedom comes freedom to be as carnal as we want to be. Human nature can only be changed by the regeneration of our spirit, at the Lord’s discretion (not ours). If it hasn’t happened, even if we have a title, credentials, and/or reputation, we are still just a spiritually dead person, indulging the flesh. This is the worse possible candidate to represent Christ, because there is no love of spiritual things yet--it isn’t possible. (1 Corin 2:14) Deception is imminent.
This leads us to the problem of these heresies, and why they are in place. It starts with regular people sincerely thinking they are serving God because they believe in Jesus; but in truth, they are not empowered to represent him. Why? Because heaven hasn’t touched earth in them yet. (Heaven =spirit realm, God's domain; earth =soul realm, man's domain) The “born again” thing is a reality that goes far beyond confession. Speaking for myself and others who have had our day of visitation, a true conversion opens our spirit to view Jesus, via the Holy Spirit. No man is attached to that kind of power. The rituals of “being saved” have proven themselves to be empty, because there is no inward change in the convert. Jesus said that no man could come to him except the Father draw him. How mere mortals try to play God!
But the soul of man (psyche), not the Holy Spirt, is at the helm of organized religion, in large and small assemblies. Since the natural (carnal) mind is hostile to God (Romans 8:7); it will not let Him run anything. Soulish minds write the sermons, interpret the Bible, and the show goes on! (Wednesdays and Sundays--or whatever). This discourse is addressed in the Revelation and has application today.
Seven churches are addressed in the first three chapters of the Revelation. These were actual churches selected for examination by the Holy Spirit. Since this book is written in high spiritual language of symbols and signs, the message is also allegorical of all church gatherings and individuals in their potential for specific errors, because of the nature of the beast (our humanity). Within the admonitions from God to the seven were three heresies. We see them today in organized religion, standing in place of Christ (spirit of anti-christ). We may see one or all of them in any group, but they need to be addressed for what they are: heresy, thus saith the Lord.
The first heresy is the deeds of the Nicolaitans. The word Nicolaitan means “to conquer the laity” or “victory over the people”. This was addressed to two of the seven churches, Ephesus and Pergamos, and God spoke both times that He hated it! Claiming leadership unscripturally, creating hierarchies, layering people in categories, "hearing" the Lord for God’s people! A caste system, per se, and not Divinely inspired. Scriptures condemn these concepts for Spirit-led followers. Jesus himself faced it in the Pharisaical system of his day. He told his disciples to do as they said, but not to do as they do. They--like preachers and pastors of today--love the fame, respect, power, and financial security associated with being “Reverend so and so..."
Jesus didn’t come to start another religion. God wanted contact with His creation. The new order is direct access to Father, not of one man being subject to another. Followers of Jesus need no man to teach them, for the Holy Spirit is given to lead each person into truth. The ministries of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers (Eph 4:11) were gifts from God. They were for assistance and encouragement, and were not to come between the believer and his God. In the Christian walk, there is only one master: Christ Jesus.
God pronounced judgment on Ephesus and Pergamos, calling for them to repent, or He would remove the candlestick (light) from them. And He has. What light shines from the religious world, anywhere? The Nicolaitan mind set still lives, most blatantly in Catholicism, but it exists everywhere. Dogma, doctrine, legalism, tradition, rituals, icons, etc., and the condemnation that comes with dead teachings pollute the earth with darkness. Ironically, these things not only hide Christ from the world, they hide Him from his own people!
The Church is supposed to be a family, not an audience. All are equal, being members of a corporate expression, the Body of Christ. Even the foundation of the apostles and prophets (Eph 2:20) was not about a lordship. So how could anyone of lesser rank be a master? The pure Holy Spirit order is about believers depending on each other and gathering together spontaneously with no need of buildings other than their homes. What, no pulpits? Who would be hurt by this? Answer: the ones getting paid. Stage left, the second heresy.
The doctrine of Balaam, referring to the Old Testament prophet-for-hire. He didn't value obedience to God, and spoke from his mind, manipulating purely for his own gain. He seasoned and twisted truth to produce the ultimate result for his fame and fortune. His "doctrine" lead to the deception of God's people, as is referred to in the Revelation to the church at Pergamos. While pretending to be sincere, he walked after the spirit of the world (ambition, greed, appetites), and put a price on God's word. Although a prophet of God, he was unrighteous and unfaithful. That was his legacy. In the Revelation, God warned Pergamos to repent or He would come quickly and fight them with the sword of His mouth (an empowered Word to expose and correct)!
These Balaam types have been around a long time and exist today. They work the pulpit for a good following, speaking what the people want to hear or whatever they feel is the most popular concept to bring in a good offering. They have no personal convictions past prostituting themselves, making a living from the power of their rank. They may have originally listened to the voice of God, but their own fleshly desires lured them into a place of self-gratification and self-worship.
How many men of God would we still have in pulpits today if the pay was small or non-existent? Some do exist today who can’t make a living from their congregation, but there is no resentment, because they love the Lord. That is what ministry should be. And if the real Church--the ecclesia, was flowing correctly, there would be no pulpits, stages, buildings, or TITLES anyway! The only "one-man-show" we need is Jesus, for the Holy Spirit is not dispersed among us in unequal measures. But for those still trapped in the status quo system, beware. There is yet another heresy, named after a not so lady-like female from the Old Testament.
To the church in Thyatira came a warning from God about the spirit of Jezebel. This spirit was a direct reference to the Jezebel of old, a false prophetess (gender reference female, for soulishness), and her goal is to seduce God’s people. This soulish administration appeals to the flesh walk, and is “one” with the world (spiritual fornication).There is much to be said here.
Popular philosophies that tickle our old Adamic nature are enticing, but direct us away from the true path of being conquered and changed into the image of Christ. Not our will, but His be done. Allowing familiar spirits (insights, prophesies not of the Holy Spirit) to mingle where only God’s spirit should move is an abomination. Plenty of psychic fairs exist in their own arena, but they have no place in the midst of the brethren. (2 John 1:7-11) The arena of flesh (soul) and the arena of Holy spirit cannot fellowship. The first must submit to the second.
An intoxicating message, the gospel of prosperity, has multitudes deceived. The attack is not on prospering, but the hunger for it, the placing of it alongside of our relationship with God. It's a distraction--one of the "cares of this world". I've heard preachers say that God wants the best for us. This is absolutely correct, but God's focus is our spiritual attainment. Material and financial gain are more for social status and comfort, and have nothing to do with bearing spiritual fruit. Jesus said it was "easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God" (Mark 10:25). It's about how badly we desire wealth. It's about where our heart is. It's where we are gazing. God will surely care for us, but not as an indulging sugar-daddy.
Charismatic speakers and leaders (wealthy ones) mesmerize the ears of congregations. The emphasis looks harmless because it has a basis in truth, but is a mixture of soul and spirit. Truthfully, these people may have started out following God, but got distracted by the lusts of this world (1 John 2:16). I believe we would be appalled to know how many persons--even leaders, have never experienced a true conversion to Christ. Not their fault, but it hasn’t happened. And we cannot let them influence us.
Jezebel is manipulative and sensuous. She reigns in God’s stead and revels in seats of power and visibility. But God will have the last word, and His word of judgment is pretty strong. Unless her followers repent, they will be cast into great tribulation (pressure), and her children (movements birthed from her) will be killed. (Rev 2:22-23)
Can we not see that these heresies speak of ministries controlled by the soul of man? It can be such a subtle thing to be deceived by the power of our soul--which is our mind, will, emotions and desires. When our personality becomes dominated by our ego (self life, old Adam, dead man), we stop following Christ. We are to put on the mind of Christ, continually. We are to be overtaken by His mind to direct us into all truth.
Let our women be silent in the assemblies! Our soul (female) rebels against the advances of our spirit (male) while He seeks to overtake us with love, draw us closer, and take control of our destiny. Soulishness not only runs the world, it runs the pulpits! Soul is not the power of God unto salvation. Even though many have seen the light, these heresies still abound, deceiving the multitudes who aren’t listening to that still, small voice inside them; the distractions and noise of the world drown it out.
Since God hates these heresies and will rid the world of them, we better move to higher ground to avoid the great destruction unfolding (now) on the administrators of these things. While God loves the people, He hates the spirit behind them, and His word will not return void. Organized Christianity: gatherings dictated by rank and carnal order--quenching the Holy Spirt; shepherds being paid by the sheep; ambitious, manipulative leaders, speaking with carnal discernment. Fresh warnings from the Revelation.